PinnedSimone CiceroinStories of Platform DesignIntroducing the Growth Model Canvas and an updated Growth Model Spreadsheet templateUnderstand how to measure and strategize around growth. Choose the channels for customer acquisition, distribute the customer acquisition…Jun 20Jun 20
PinnedSimone CiceroinStories of Platform DesignStrategy and OKRs in the Platform OrganizationWhy addressing strategy at the organizational level is different than doing it inside the product/service units (micro-enterprises)Jun 61Jun 61
PinnedSimone CiceroinStories of Platform DesignHow Organizational Structures Evolve: From Functional to Matrix to Platform ModelsIn an era of organizational evolution, businesses are shifting from traditional structures to a platform organization model.Jan 152Jan 152
Simone CiceroinStories of Platform DesignAn Overview of Key Elements for Modern Product Portfolio Innovation: A Recent WebinarStrategic portfolio innovation becomes crucial as technology and services evolve. In the era of AI, it becomes increasingly essential for…Jul 17Jul 17
Simone CiceroinStories of Platform DesignAs Tech and Business overlap we need a different kind of OrganizationBusiness agility is not enough: enabling technologies and modularity are key.Jul 4Jul 4
Simone CiceroinStories of Platform DesignStrategies and Structures for Products & Services Portfolio Innovation — in the Age of AIThis article explores strategic approaches for navigating market shifts through robust portfolio management and with a clear…May 20May 20
Simone CiceroinStories of Platform DesignA Manifesto for the Platform Organization4 Beliefs and 11 Design Principles to design adaptable, evolving, and future-proof platform organizations that can thrive through the…May 92May 92
Simone CiceroinStories of Platform DesignHow To Structure Units and Teams in a Platform OrganizationExplore the role of the platform models in organizational development. Understand the convergence of team topologies and micro-enterprises…Apr 11Apr 11
Simone CiceroinStories of Platform DesignChoosing Experiments and Pilots to run a Platform Organization EvolutionThis article unravels an experimental approach toward the Platform Organization model and dives into the importance of ‘pilot’ initiatives…Mar 28Mar 28
Simone CiceroinStories of Platform DesignNavigate 2024: Marketplace and Platform Trends Reshaping B2BSecure success in B2B with our crucial reflection examining 2024’s platform and marketplace trends. Grasping ‘platform-ecosystem’ thinking…Mar 14Mar 14